La isla violada

Ejercicios de nesolectura en torno a Bill Viola
Roc Laseca (ed), 2012
La isla violada: Ejercicios de nesolectura en torno a Bill Viola
Publisher: Gobierno de Canarias
Dimensions: 18x3x24
ISBN: 978-84-7947-595-6
Sold out

Edition as part of the project on the anachronistic insular image that includes the exhibitions "Liber Insularum (The Book of the Islands)" by Bill Viola at the Sala de Arte Contemporáneo and "The Image-Symptom" by Drago Díaz, Israel Pérez and María Renquena at the Espacio Cultural El Tanque, curated by Roc Laseca and held from 18 March to 15 May 2011. Texts by various authors.