Prácticas Territoriales

Visitantes con oídos
Juan Matos Capote, 2019
Prácticas Territoriales: Visitantes con oídos
Publisher: TEA Tenerife Space for the Arts
Dimensions: 16x1x20
Pages: 106
ISBN: 978-84-949656-8-5
€ 10.00

Book corresponding to the first cycle of sound art of "Prácticas Territoriales. Visitors with Ears", which took place during 2018 at TEA Tenerife Espacio de las Artes. The participating artists were Anna Raimondo, Brandon LaBelle, Barbara Held and Daniel Neumann. Texts by the curator of the cycle, Juan Matos Capote, and by Lucrezia Cippitelli, Luis Guerra and Regine Basha. "Territorial Practices. Visitors with Ears" is a cycle of sound art, which questions the privilege of sight over hearing, the correspondence between perception and contextual objectivity, and the role of the visitor in unknown territories. Four international artists were invited to visit the island of Tenerife - separately and for two-week stays - in order to carry out, in collaboration with local groups, research focused on listening and to create works whose main element was sound. "Territorial practices. Visitors with Ears" aims to create situations of knowledge production, based predominantly but not exclusively on listening and sound in the various contexts that the island can offer to artists.