Héctor Mar

Héctor Mar turns painting into a tool to 'denature' the objects, elements, and scenes he finds in the itineraries of his life and personal experiences. He uses broken areas of colour with which he recomposes the painting, creating a somewhat austere and cold effect. He finds a similarity between his painting and the Canarian architecture of self-construction.
Héctor Mar was born in Añaza, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in 1997. He graduated in Fine Arts from the University of La Laguna (2021) and a Master's Degree in Painting from the University of the Basque Country (2023). He turns painting into a tool to 'denature' the objects, elements, and scenes he finds in the itineraries of his life and personal experiences. He uses broken areas of colour with which he recomposes the painting, creating a somewhat austere and cold effect. He finds a similarity between his painting and the Canarian architecture of self-construction: both are created out of necessity, using industrial materials and simple forms that are duplicated in an almost tumorous way, making it impossible to recognize the initial territory where they are inscribed. When painting, he applies a lot of matter with the oil mass itself, like when covering a wall, kneading, adding, and putting it together. His recent works have been exhibited in various venues, like Fundación CajaCanarias (Tenerife), Casa de La Cultura (Zarautz), Okela (Bilbao), Galería ATC (Tenerife), and Galería Fran Reus (Mallorca).